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Hey guys!I`m Miley Ray Cyrus` Fan:) .She is amazing!I`m not a fake. :] Haha .My name is Bianca.`And I`m 15.So happy:x!I know that here are only fakes.So.. guys.. don`t try to impress me.B`cuz u can`t. :) xox B . :x Ohh and please guys .. don`t ask me stupidd questionss :] .Like : .. I don`t know what but..whatever.xox :* Oh and guyss here I will add pictures with Selena,Demi,Ashley,Vanessa etc. :) With more celebrities.x

Comments • 2

MeMilzPeace 24 June 2010  
Hi`` :x
I`m Miley`
Yea` I know u don`t blve in me :|
ItsMileyWorldx 23 June 2010  
Hey! X M
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